Search by Product ID Number:
You can update your device's firmware by searching for the
product ID number and following the tutorial.
Identify your product ID number
Look at the back of the device.
Find the ID number spelled by only 4 letters and numbers. (e.g.ID:N6H7)
Update Your Device
Search by ID number
Download the latest firmware package
Follow the instructions in the firmware package to update
your device.
Download Upgrade Tutorials
Please check the following tutorials of software upgrade instructions:
Get MTK_Upgrade Tutorial: MTK Upgrade Tutorial (Android 13)
Get RK_Upgrade Tutorial: RK Upgrade Tutorial
Get Unisoc_Upgrade Tutorial: Unisoc Upgrade Tutorial
Video Tutorials
How to restore Windows 10 on Teclast laptop by USB Drive
video tutorials
How to upgrade Teclast tablet with Unisoc Processor System
video tutorials
How to upgrade Teclast tablet with MTK Processor System
video tutorials
How to upgrade Teclast tablet with Allwinner Tech Chip

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